Thursday, May 20, 2010

How to keep entertained in boring museums

Today there was free entry to state museums in the city, so in the afternoon a group of us went to two different museums downtown.

Before that, I met with my subject and shot a few photos of him.  I'm meeting with him again tomorrow to get some "interaction" photos of him socializing with other people.  We both decided on a title for my project.  He shall be known as "the opportunist."  He's the kind of guy who goes with the flow and seizes opportunities as they approach him.  I'll be posting photos of him

Anyway, back to the museums.  Here are some things we passed on our way there:

The first museum had really old stuff:  Egyptian sculptures, old Greek statues, tapestries, etc.

I was so restless walking through corridor after corridor of old stuff.  I decided to mess around with the shutter speed and zoom on my camera as an attempt to keep me awake/occupied.  Here's the weird stuff I came up with:

The second place we went was actually a gallery, but I was still bored.  So I kept going with the funky shutter speeds and zooming in and out.

It's fun to just mess around sometimes.  And that's exactly what I did today.

Hasta luego.


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