Friday, July 30, 2010

Body Image

I regularly follow a healthy living blog called Healthy Tipping Point.  The creator, Caitlin, is an inspiring woman who changed her unhealthy lifestyle into a healthy one by improving her eating and exercise habits.

I've never discussed the topic of body image on this blog before, but this post will change that.

Caitlin is coming out with a new book about self-affirmation called Operation Beautiful.  And with the debut of her book, she has asked all her fellow bloggers to share their thoughts on the topic of body image.

So here's what's up.  Over the past year, my fitness level has dropped.  Yes, I go cycling and do crazy rides with my boyfriend, but I don't exercise as much as I used to.  And as a result, I got a little more voluptuous.

I always thought my body was flawless.

Here I am at my brother's wedding two years ago:

Here I am last year during beach volleyball season:

Here I am July 11, 2010 at Le Tour de France.  You can see I'm a little bit chubbier.

Since last year, my curves have become, shall we say, more "developed."  And while I still want to get my old physique back, I don't think it's healthy to look at myself and hate what I see.   I'm NOT going to obsessively weigh myself or count calories or points or any of that bullshit.  That's just not me.  I thought it was me for a little while, but stupid stuff like freaking out over a few pounds is so not worth the time, energy or stress.

What I WILL do is eat a balanced vegan diet and challenge myself with hard workouts.

Recently, instead of despising my hips, my thighs, my butt, I've decided to rock the curves.  Hell, I can still be fit and sexy while being curvaceous.

I may not have always been so strong about my weight gain but people change their minds, and I have changed my mind for the better.



  1. I've got nothing to say except that I LOVE YOUR CONFIDENCE! You are beautiful and you rock for refusing to succumb to a negative image.

  2. Hi Amanda! I just stumbled onto your blog from HTP and I don't usually comment on blogs I read, but I had to for this post. First of all, thank you so much for writing about your body image. I feel the same way. I went from laying soccer in college two years ago, to being more lax in exercising and I definitely have gotten voluptuous too. I agree with you about appreciating your body for what it is no matter how curvy or firm it is. Health is the most important thing! Ps: You are beautiful!

  3. YES! Rockin the curves! That's definitely what's up! Thanks for being a motivation to change the way you see, not the way you look! Good luck on your journey!

  4. what are you talking about? you look AMAZING in ALL those pictures!

  5. Thanks for the beautiful comments, you guys!

