Friday, November 12, 2010

Computer Geeks and Rock Stars

These two things characterize part of my week.

1.  My school's (UF) student government pays famous people to come here and give speeches a few times during the semester.  The events are free and open to the public, so Ged and I decided to give it a go when we saw that Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple, was speaking on Monday night.

I have a Mac and support Apple products, so I was curious what this guy had to say.  Some of his talk was too technical for me when he was discussing programming.

I read in the campus paper Tuesday that he got paid $70,000 for speaking to a crowd of 1,700 people.  Pretty good deal for him, if you ask me.

Mathematically speaking, that's around $40 a person...

2.  Ged and I drove to Jacksonville last night (90 minutes away) to see Frank Turner play again.

And the same photographer who was at The Fest  was at this gig too.  Here are some of Nicole's pics that have us in it.

Ged was practicing his Queen "We Will Rock You" pose in these pictures...

And at the end of the show, Ged and I trotted back to the car to get the camera and get a quick photo with the man himself.

Thanks again, Nicole, for taking these.

When Ged saw this picture he was very impressed with the whiteness of his teeth.  Not bad for an Englishman...

Well, off to enjoy the weekend.  Headed to the football game against S. Carolina tomorrow.  (And maybe some Formula 1 stuff on Sunday.  That's Ged's thing.)



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