Friday, October 28, 2011


I'm oh-so-close to getting two hens.  I can't wait to stroke their soft brown feathers.

I have a friend who is raising several dozen chicks and needs to determine their genders before she sells them to me.

I just finished painting my "Chikin' Haus" that I built with Ged.  I've neglected it for a while but soon enough it will be full of poop and eggs.

I present to you the Haus (built for under $45):

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Things I've been up to lately:  
  • Riding A LOT
  • Gardening
  • Yoga (hatha, vinyassa, bikram)
  • Running (I know, right?)
  • Using The Stick
  • Eating/Sleeping occasionally 
As evidence, I leave you with a picture of me in the garden:

Back to real life I go!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

For a good cause.

This past weekend I rode the MS 150:  Cycle to the Shore for the second time.  It's a charity ride for multiple sclerosis that takes place over two days.  You ride 85 miles from St. Augustine to Daytona Beach the first day then ride 65 miles from Daytona back to St. Augustine the next day.

Last year, I rode by myself and flatted twice on the first day then crashed on the second.  Not exactly the most successful charity ride, but I still had fun.

This year was a different story.  I rode with Team Gainesville and broke off with our relatively "fast group."  The miles flew by.  And I didn't crash OR flat.  Yeehaw.

And now, I give you pictures.  Lots and lots of pictures.

Saturday:  Arrived at St. Augustine Airport before the sun was up.

Changed into kit, signed in and found my team.

Did my pre-ride happy dance.

And we were off!

Even these guys...

Ride stats:
85 miles
21.3 average

Sunday:  Another early start.  Beautiful sunrise in Daytona.

Bit of a headwind, but we managed to stay together.

Ride stats:
65 miles
18.1 average